What to do when your child's grades fall? Do you give consequences for a bad grade? You know, mow the lawn, take away their cell phone? Do you ignore it? What is the best way to handle it? This is a question I was recently asked. Consequences are meant to be given for behavior. The grade is the natural consequence for a students effort or lack of effort. What parents really need to do is focus on their child's effort. If you think your child is slacking off, then, by all means give a consequence. However, if your child is doing the very best and still is not doing well (evidenced by a poor grade) then parents need to provide tutors or extra help. Also, remember that most kids feel bad already when they get a poor grade, so adding punishment to injury really doesn't help. Helping them cope with the disappointment is more important.
The main point is to give more praise than comments of disappointment. Catch them being good. After all, most kids want to please their parents.
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